'Breathing Room'
/When can our schools re-open, and how can they do it safely?
This has emerged as The Great Urgent Question of our 2020 summer, and it is the knottiest policy puzzle of all - with human health and the well-being of many families at stake.
Public education has always lived at the intersection of policy and politics, and never has this been truer than right now. With Covid-19 surging again nationwide, and clearly so across Tennessee, all the stakes are vastly higher now.
Good people are at work on this Rubik’s Cube, but cities are on largely their own to come up with smart answers. For a dozen reasons there is little confidence or trust in the federal policymakers now. Sadly, nowhere is the brokenness of Washington more visible now than on this education front.
I hope you will read my Sunday newspaper column in The Tennessean print edition. You can also get an early look here: https://www.tennessean.com/story/opinion/columnists/2020/07/17/nashville-school-reopening-safety-coronavirus/5437695002/
…or just click on the “Columns, etc.” menu at the top of this page.
Thank you again for subscribing to the Field Notes.
© Keel Hunt, 2020