Much Work to Do
/I read this morning that the publisher Simon & Schuster has canceled its scheduled publication of Senator Hawley’s forthcoming book. This is a positive move for stability in a dangerous moment for our nation.
It is Hawley who has become one of the faces of the anti-American remnant of Trumpism, and the ugliness it has produced in this disturbing moment. The remnant surfaced on Wednesday and became a mob, and this mob assaulted the U.S. Capitol building. Trump and his circle had consciously incited them, and Hawley and his fellow bitter-enders helped to give it a gloss of congressional procedure.
The publisher said its decision was reached “after witnessing the disturbing, deadly insurrection that took place on Wednesday in Washington, D.C.”
S&S is not a squeamish publisher. It has published some of the boldest works in recent memory. But Hawley has crossed an important line in his words and actions – in the name and spirit of his hero Donald Trump – that have incited to damage, destruction and even death at the U.S. Capitol.
In the days ahead, we will all do well to remember that while Trump himself may soon be gone from the White House, the remnants of his sinister influence will not vanish from our culture. There is much work to do.
Part of that work is for news media and political leaders to examine themselves and their performance during this dangerous time. The Hawleys and the other members of Congress who have shielded and enabled Trump are not heroes. They need to be exposed and their dangerous effect understood, then shunned not celebrated.
© Keel Hunt, 2021